The sportsdad loves to play soccer especially when he is stressed out. I think that is his way of coping with all the complexities in his life--- My friend Shane however, loves to watch soccer or football on DVD.. And when he and the rest of the guys would hang around the house, they would often ask me to turn on the TV for a game or two.. My friends, girls and boys alike, and even gay friends would not argue, instead agree with Shane in the spirit of fun.. I could almost always witness their crazy Football Betting that always ends with me in the kitchen cooking more and more foodies for them..ha! Their budget of course.. and the winner gets to buy the drinks to match..
Mary Claire on the other hand, would bug me to use the computers for her Football Betting Online.. Waah.. Isn't it weird? I am not a sports buff but my friends are crazy over Football Sports Betting.. waahh...

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