We went to eat in a restaurant one time and my aunt asked the waiter for a plastic bag. I thought it was for the food that we were not able to finish, she smiled and told me she already told the waiter to have the unfinished foodies wrapped for take out. So I asked her what the plastic is for. She smiled again and told me that it is for the doggie's foodies. I smiled back.. and nodded my head.. yeah, the doggie's share.. lol...

Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Doggie's Share
We went to eat in a restaurant one time and my aunt asked the waiter for a plastic bag. I thought it was for the food that we were not able to finish, she smiled and told me she already told the waiter to have the unfinished foodies wrapped for take out. So I asked her what the plastic is for. She smiled again and told me that it is for the doggie's foodies. I smiled back.. and nodded my head.. yeah, the doggie's share.. lol...
Blame It On The Rain
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thanks Mommy Phoebie of Love's Haven, for being the first to comment...
Somebody lyrics
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and with every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear
Of those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it.
Here also is a video courtesy of YOU TUBE.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Chase and I are not yet done chatting. We'll chat again about the wonderful places in Spain...
How did her image turn ghostlike? Do you know?
Well, my theory is that she moved so fast that's why it is what was captured by the cam...
Halloween Express is READY FOR HALLOWEEN...
Well, if you guys wanna join my friend in his shopping spree, do visit the website at www.halloweenexpress.com and get to know the latest finds...
By the way, Gregory has been insistent on inviting me to go and visit him. And with all the great things he has said about Ventura County, I sure would love to go... then I shall be able to witness his glorious reign again... Go GREGORY....
I mean, I have the skill, why not use it? I don't get paid for it since my customer is my own daughter, but the praise and satisfaction of a little girl [who seems to agree with everybody who said that she looks like Gretchen Barretto with her new hair] is something.
Now, as to the hair, you be the judge if I did it right or not.
Well, I do not have a juicer here at the orange house so I had to improvise. One orange is all I needed anyway. After squeezing right into the glass, I took the liberty of drinking a cold orange juice. yum..yum.. Cold because the orange came right from the fridge. No sugar, no ice. All natural... Wowowee...
Anyway, I am looking forward to having a glass OF ALL NATURAL ORANGE JUICE everyday. I felt better after having just a glass. My daughter would have loved it too but she is at the yellow house. She does not eat much fruits, but she likes drinking juice.
Cars, Cars, Cars
No wonder women flock over him because they simply could not resist him with his cars. The hot red Honda is what he likes to use to cruise around town these days, but the yellow racer always gives him the kick.
Hanson is even planning to buy a new one. Orange and screaming gorgeous for the girls.. hahaha
Our smiles are still the same... We may have aged a bit, but that is a reality for all, but looking at our smile, I could definitely say that me and my friend have triumphed over the obstacles of each of our lives.
Oh, and we're still pretty...the two of us... Hahaha...
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why is this? Well, as you all know, it has become the trend of robbers to go inside houses and take whatever they can take -money, jewelries, cellular phones, and many others. So why wait when that would happen to you when you can almost immediately get a system for your home's protection?
I remember, before we had plenty of dogs that shoo unwanted guests. We even had our house set in a manner that is difficult for robbers to drop by. But, as I said earlier, it is difficult to trust your ordinary protection set up. Robbers are robbers and they will not stop until they get what they want... YOUR POSSESSIONS! Your hard earned personal belongings...
Anyway, in the site, I saw many kinds of gadgets and many different packages that would really help you get protection depending on your budget. I went through the site as if I know everything. lol... But technically, I was able to understand "protection" better...
And if you ask me what package I am going to get? My answer is the

Always TRUST...
Trust your heart..
Trust your instinct...
Trust GOD...
FIND MUSIC SCORES AT 1001sheets.com
So that explains why ever since I was a kid, I just love music. I love to sing and make music. The only problem is, I did not focus on it much. After college, music became simply a vehicle for me to reach out for my self.. The person who is inside the shell... The person who is not who everyone thinks she is... Then, when my best buddy, Glen Borra died, the XU College Glee Club sort of had a reunion of some sort, so with the preparations we had for his interment, we faced music scores and music sheets again, with Odie Señeres taking the place of Prof. Lino Abrio. We were good during that time... but then again, after Glen was buried, we all had to go back to each of our lives, living the selves we have become.
Distance Learning
Before she left, I always asked her if she could simply enrol in a distance learning course. That way she stays here in Cagayan de Oro and still be able to get a degree in it. As I already checked available schools offering online classes for their distance learning program. That is easier because we have the Internet connection. But of course, there is the traditional distance learning process where learning materials are sent to the learner's address so with examination papers and all other necessary documents. The learner learns on his or her own pace without ever leaving home.
But then again, on my sister's part, she was given an opportunity to work also in the same setting, which could help her very much when she leaves for Singapore for her TTRP scholarship to start... Oh well, it's all up to the learner. wink..wink...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Goodnight all..
P.S. The hearing is set on June 5... I pray it will be positive also...

then I discovered www.plurklayouts.com and I tried changing mine...voila! Isn't it nice? I love it oh so much...
Anyway, if you have plurk, add me.
My name is dharlz...
See, our ceiling light fixtures add beauty in our homes. Where they are placed, how they look at the right angle, and how much light they give affects the home environment. Maybe, if you wish to use soft tones, they can be placed in the living room or the bedroom. It is in this very way that light fixtures should be used, in order to add life and not just life to the home. If you know where they should be placed, what colors they should go, then you are good to go.
They were picked up outside the building of the Bigby's corporate Office, and when the multi can turned the curve of the new Ysalina Bridge, that was when the crime happened...
They went down unnoticed as there were no other vehicles that passed nor any one in authority that monitored the said incident...
Poor driver.. poor passengers.. Everything taken from them without a fight... Then, after lunch it was on the news... whew... what a news... It was late for two hours... Anyway, I just want to say that we should all be very careful, even in broad daylight. With the current financial crisis, anything could happen. Specially because not everybody can think positively in a negative situation... And worst, there are really some people who just wants an easy way out of poverty...
Certification Boot Camps
Have you ever tried enrolling in an IT certification boot camp program? I heard that programs like this give the opportunity to learn from certified instructors who are experts in the IT industry. And I also gathered that if one is in dire need of becoming certified in the field, but is in a hurry due to work regulations or a job interview a certain company offers bootcamp classes that will help anyone get certified in a week's time. Amazing! I sure would want one. However, I see that it is not yet applicable for me. So I will just have to put that aside for my consumption. But blogging about this may help those who has concerns over this good news.
Since the boot camp courses are only a week, the curriculum is often fast paced and very rigorous. Those that cannot survive such an intense IT certification boot camp are encouraged not to enroll. Yeah, in the first place, that would be a waste of money if you will not be able to finish it right? However, the benefits are tremendous when taking one of the many boot camp classes. There are several certification titles that this company offers their IT boot camp courses and are sure everyone will find what they are looking for.
Here in the Philippines, IT companies are on the rise so perhaps these certification boot camps could help improve IT professionals meet the challenges in their profession. And at a short period of time. Wanna try it? Visit the website.
I still think that babies whose mothers are working, should not be deprived of this natural wonder. It is but proven that when a child is breast fed, he or she is far from diseases and illnesses.
So I am encouraging each and everyone to love breast milk. Love the woman who is the bearer of this gift. And most importantly, show her how important she is and her milk, for the new generation's sake...
To continue, K Alliance have the e-learning system, which teaches by using training materials developed by world class instructors with years of relevant experience, who are working professionals who bring their real-world experience to the course and offer their insight freely. This come in training videos that are easy to comprehend and are very organized and detailed. One will really be amazed at how easy learning could be. Once training is completed,(we're talking about a K Alliance training CBT here) students can use the K Alliance Master Reviews as a study aid before taking their certification exams. Imagine that? That just makes it all so easy. So if you are interested, please drop by their site for more information.
What I specifically like is that, the puppet show comes with a good message and a moral lesson. What better way to educate the kids and build on values formation...
Blogging Incentives and Lili
No more income, no more places to visit or food to eat to take pictures... bwahahaha... Then she will behave...(of course the luggage thing is still useful but only if she is really really becoming unpredictable)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
So what do you think???
MDO Batch 92:

This is our Batch picture in high school. Our classmate, Warren Henry Fabe uploaded this in our group account at Facebook exclusive for MDO92.
He will be uploading more... hopefully, "nice pics", lol...
Well, just sharing this here.
By the way, for all Montessori de Oro Alumni, we will have the first ever GREEN PARTY on May 30, 2009 at Loretos... Contact your respective representatives for further details...

Way to go, Lucas....

I received my Certificate from the Blogging 101 Workshop in style. See the backdrop? Feels like Hollywood, lol...
All of those who received certificates had their photo taken these way. And the official photographer really did a good job. Ang gaganda namin, lol.... Thanks Magman..

Here is a link to a previous post I did on the Blogging 101 Workshop. And if you wish to see more of the photos, click here.

Here's another picture with AMRAM webmaster of AMDInternational. He came from Valencia Bukidnon and came here in Cagayan de Oro City just to attend our workshop...
Monday, May 25, 2009

So to sum up, Philadelphia University in Jordan is indeed very promising. Visit their portal to know more about the school..

Congratz girl.... I hope you all the happiness in the world... for better or worse...
For more of their union, pictures, the ceremony and all others, visit their wedding site at www.jerekandnimfa.blogspot.com
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Are you looking for a place to buy a phone? Have you tried the malls? Hmm.. Well, there are many phone shops in the city. Have you tried asdas? I heard they have a wide array of cheap cell phones that do not compromise quality.
Looking for a place to buy affordable yet quality phones may be tasking sometimes. If you can't be careful enough, you will lose your hard earned money. I have heard of so many grim tales about being ripped off after buying a unit that does not work after a few days. Surely that could be very frustrating. Right? But of course, if you have all the money in the world and would not care where they are going, it wont matter much to you. But if you ask me, money, just like alcohol, would evaporate, whether you like it or not. So you should spend it wisely.
If you need affordable phones, do not sacrifice quality. Visit cellsphone.com for more information about cell phones...

It is truly a very big help knowing the SEO part of the workshop. Imagine, I kept wondering and praying for PRs to get high, but I am not hitting it right. Now, I can do more than that. I can calculate, I can put the correct keywords that could help for my blog to raise traffic, I can set up a good package for the blog and make it look better. And best thing is, I can now think clearly as to how to make it a better blog. I understand now that I have to find a niche, and build on that. I can even make a business out of it by promoting a business or two. Amazing huh? Gosh. And I thought it is limited to just enrolling in third party companies. Hmm..
Well, a single mom just have to do anything and everything to survive... And thank you LORD for the Internet. It surely is helpful.
On the camera is Magman, the official photographer and with the microphone is Ragpalizer...
That's Pangitster discussing the creation of a blog in detail.
And this beautiful lady, Icay, here talked about the most awaited part: How to earn through blogging...
The food served during the workshop... Sentro 1850 served us a very good sandwich with Iced tea... yummy...
For the rest of the pictures, click here, and here. Thanks to Magman and Chiq for the access. I will be using some of them to show you guys some points of workshop in another post... Later... ok..
Thanks again Abby dear for being the first to comment.
Nursing, by profession is humbling and life saving. But to a nurse, I am pretty sure, it is life changing. When we deal with death or a near death situation affecting others, and when we do not know what to do about it, we end up on our knees to pray. Helping others realize the inevitable, at the same time helping others move on and heal psychologically, emotionally, even spiritually. Chances are, if tragedy strikes others, a nurse is the willing companion. She or he is there for the patient. But what happens when the tragedy will strike and hit the nurse herself. Let's say for example, not being able to hear anymore, or not being able to walk anymore... Should the nurse simply give up nursing? How can the rest of the nursing community help a fellow nurse in need of healing? When disability strikes, it is not only the physical aspect of a person that is in question parallel to the nursing profession. But mostly, the psychological and emotional as well. However, if a nurse with disability will be given a chance to go back to work as a nurse despite the disability, I am pretty sure that it will make the nurse feel better about the world and about herself. Nothing is ever more frustrating than not being able to do the things that you are used to do, especially when you know you do it well. In the US, this problem is not so much of a problem because of the disability act that supports nurse with disability. They can still function with the help of gadgets and the cooperation of the people in her/his environment. So I wouldn't be surprised that a nurse in a hospital will do her rounds on a scooter. I read that in Scrubs... if you wish to do the same follow this link:
Inspiring right? As an advocate for Special Education, I do believe that students with disability should be allowed to take up nursing. They should not be treated differently because in one way or another, they can still be able to function as equally as that person without any disability.


Thanks to my cousin Abby of DASH IN BETWEEN to be the first to comment on this post.. Welcome to the world of Bloggers dear...
My Brother, The Cowboy... The Bullrider...
Friday, May 22, 2009

I always remember how furniture give me a different high. Now I am feeling it again by merely looking at the stuff in the site. If you wish to see it for yourself, better visit their website now...
Be a winner. Invest your money in a good classy furniture that will turn your life around...

Anyway, I will blog more about this when I am done uploading the pictures.. okay?
The Scrubbies allows you to give out an award or two for a particular Nurse or Nursing Student who deserves the said award/s. Like my sister, Sweet, I am giving her the award because I know she will be one of the best in the said profession. She has already proven that many times by the way she cares for my parents at home. Monitoring their blood pressure, and all the vital signs when necessary, reminding my parents when to take their medication and all others. It's like having our personal nurse at home. You too can give an award to your favorite nurse. If you wish to give the award below, go to this link:

And like what I mentioned earlier, TIPS or The Tip Jar gives out so much information about health and wellness that we could actually use in daily life. Follow this link:
So what are you waiting for? Visit www.scrubsmag.com today....

Anyway, that is our house help, Bissa Saldo during her graduation... She graduated with Honors.. 4th Place.. Congratulations Bissa... we are proud of you...