I signed up August 19, 2009 --- See transaction history below:

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As a SAHM, there is really a great need for me to learn these things as blogging has become not only a hobby of sorts, but a source of stable and reliable income. Well, like any other career, we really need to update, upgrade and develop new ways or forms of achieving our primary goal.. Ah, the sensible world of blogging for money is not at all different from any other job in the world--- It’s good clean money after all.. It also entails labor and intensive research…It is a fun way of getting your needs met. So like my other job, I make it a point to improve. And like what I said above, this SEO software is a very good tool to achieve that.
Hey guys and dudes, check this out.. Do you know that you can now save your money by selling your OLD stuff at SellingBin.com? Yup, you got it right! SellingBin is the venue for you to instantly sell your used, old, unwanted, and broken electronic devices. Instead of throwing them away in the garbage bins, sell them at selling bin.. Imagine, they will buy old, used, broken and unwanted laptops, cell phones, digital cameras, video games, gaming consoles and more!
I could just imagine how much space you will be able to save at home for old electronic devices that simply collects dust and sometimes may even be the cause for some mishaps in the home... So might as well release them from sight and make money out of them, right? Besides, I always believe in the saying that someone else's trash is someone else's treasure.. Do you agree? At least if you sell your old stuff, you will be able to use the funds for some new project or a replacement of an updated version of what you will be selling.. Cool, isn’t it? And most importantly, your stuff may benefit another person. I think of it as a more practical way to be generous to other people.. Sell your old stuff cheaper than its value and you become a charitable person for life--- wink..
I know you won't believe me if I tell you that my favorite high fashion accessory is an $ 8 Rx eyeglasses? That's teh one on the left.. It looks cool don't you agree?
Seems that everything around us is going up.. and, I think the best question to ask if we talk about eyeglasses is How You Can Start Spending Smart in this time of recession.. True, money is tight but we are still able to buy fashion accessories for aesthetic reasons... My favorite high fashion eyeglasses are available at Zenni.. and like what I mentioned above, they are just $8 when I bought them..
From the looks alone, you can definitely see that all presidential candidates are there.. There are other pictures of the candidates too. Some during private and public engagements. I think this is just wonderful. Don’t you agree? What I specifically like is the fact that you can upload pictures too. So if you know of certain events in your locality, you can simply upload it there... As a blogger from Mindanao, this site is very helpful in information gathering. You simply have to exhaust all posible ways there is. Take for example the forums. When you join the forums, you are sure to get more and more information shared by those who created topics for discussions and the very answers posted. From what I have seen, more and more intelligent Filipinos have taken part in the forums.. I created a forum discussion regarding the inclusion of issues that tackle the welfare of people with special needs on the presidential candidates' patform, and I await answers. After I gather opinions about it, I will blog about it.. See, it really is useful, don't you think so... And I guess, because we here in Mindanao are far from the Metropolis, this is but a good way to get a good glimpse of the presidential candidates who are mostly living there....
I remember, when I was yet new in