Share with us your bedtime routine and win JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime products!!! (click to join)
Sleep is one of the most important factors in releasing growth hormones, most especially for very young babies.While your baby sleeps, her little body produces 3x more growth hormones.
The good news is there is a way to promote better sleep for your baby: through a consistent nightly bedtime routine.
In addition to the JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Routine and products, there are countless other ways you can help your baby fall asleep and even share bonding moments in the process!
Lili and I would always drink milk together before she sleeps. She would always want us to do things together so even if I am not a milk drinker, I have to drink something like juice or water so she can have "the drink" with me, and hers is milk..Then she would have a toast.. and would always say "Cheers Mommy!". After her milk, she cleans up. By cleaning it means that she and I are in the shower together, but mostly, it's a warm bath after dinner, after a good brushing of teeth. Well, we both enjoy having our baths with Johnson & Johnson’s baby top to toe wash. Hey, even if I am a mom, I like using Johnson's and Johnson's products for myself too. After drying, we'd both head to the bedroom with our towels on and put on Johnson's Baby Powder for a fresh feeling even while we sleep.. and of course, dub on some Johnson's Baby Cologne. Well, we always like to smell good even while we sleep. I always tell Lili that sleeping and waking should always be treated the same way, for we will never know who will meet. And I guess she agrees with me on that. Because now, it's almost automatic. After a bath, day or night, she would always dub on J & J's cologne. So anyway, after all the preps, we head off to bed.
In bed, I usually read her her favorite book, and we interact a little bit about it, say our prays and kiss goodnight. But before she can doze off, she would always want me to rub her back. Actually, she would want it to be scratched, but I am not agreeable with it, so I just end up rubbing her back. And she sleeps anyway..
When I am sure that my baby is asleep, I get off the bed and go back to my work station and work on unfinished tasks. For mommy bloggers, it always helps that kids sleep well at night as that is the time to really concentrate on our tasks. If a child is not comfortable while sleeping, then she or he may wake up in the middle of the night, and that would mean lost time for work because mommies will always put their kids first before anything else. And Johnson's really makes products that helps mommies a lot..
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