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Friday, January 23, 2009


My friend Ellaine and her husband are looking for a real estate broker to help them with their plan of getting a house in any of the posh villages here in Cagayan de Oro City. He had been working as an engineer in Saudi Arabia and have not come home until ten years later, which is last month. He had been religiously sending money for their dream home, which Ellaine placed in the bank for safekeeping. Now they are ready to spend it to buy a house and lot for their family of three. So I gave her a few of my contacts while I was yet an agent at Homefield. And I am excited because previously Ellaine showed me the design of the house that they wanted, and it was really gorgeous.

It was a two story type with french windows and a garage that would fit three cars. There are three rooms, the master's bedroom, her son's and a guest room. Two toilet and baths, a spacious kitchen and a dinning hall that would fit at least 20 guests. She wanted it like that mainly because her business entails entertaining her clients in the home. So with a house to die for, am sure all her clients will give in to her sales talks...

She was even telling me that they would like to spend the remaining amount, if there would be some left, to tend a new business or so. That way, she would have other things to do while she is not entertaining clients...Whatever that business will be, they have not decided yet.

GRANADA---A YUMMY SUNDAY POST English, Grenade. HEHEHE.....But this fruit here is not deadly as a grenade. I wonder why it was given such a name. It tastes sweet if it is ripe. Sooo YUMMY. But if it is not, it is sour, and leaves an after taste in the tastebuds...

Too Early or Too Late for YUMMY SUNDAY?


My student's poem and drawing is really striking. You would think that a grade three student who is addicted to Bakugan, Pokemon, online computer games and his PSP would not have such deep thoughts...

But true enough, he is the deep thinker among the three brothers that I am teaching supplemental studies to..


Summer is almost here. But what I have discovered is not only useful during summer but year round...Anyway, before I proceed, let me ask you a question. Have you heard of the lay-z-spa inflatable hot tub? Well, it is the newest sensation in the UK today. You can actually place them anywhere you like and inflate them in place, and voila! You are set for a relaxing outdoor or indoor experience in the hot tub. Best after a workout or for socialization...invite friends over for a pool party and you can also charm them with your inflatable hot tub. There are various sizes and designs to choose from. There's even the newest hot tub that has underwater lights, and what's cool about it is that they change color. Amazing isn't it? Well, I am pretty impressed.

So, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, if the interest is there, go check this out at, where Mr. Google led me today....


I lost my wallet. I posted this at my other blog, click here. And it was never found yet. So after my tutorial with the Ang Gaeids, I went to DXCC and had it announced over the radio. The receptionist told me they will be announcing it and hopefully before Saturday it will be returned. They will call or text me when someone goes there to return it...

That wallet do not have money inside it. It was not intended for that purpose. All I have there are Ids and important identifications and documents. But of course, it had Ella's souvenir from Boracay. Oh please, whoever found it will return it at Honeysweet or at DXCC...

I miss my wallet so much....

Thursday, January 22, 2009


My cousin sent me an email telling me about his new life in the US. He is a registered nurse and he left middle of last year. For six months he said he was never able to watch a TV show mainly because it was so expensive to apply for a cable connection. Well, he sends money for his family so I understand that every penny for a neophyte in the nursing world in the US is really a struggle. Every poenny counts, that is. Then, another friend of his back in college who was looking for a housemate, asked him to move in with him and two other Filipino nurses who are also single and unattached, lol...So my cousin moved in with them and all four men, having no gfs and all spend their weekends either gardening or watching TV, courtesy of DirecTV.

What is direcTV? I asked him. But of course he has not replied to my email yet. Being impulsive, I wanted to know the moment I conceived of the question. Can't wait till he answers me back. So, I confided and asked from Mr. Google, my loyal friend..hehehe...and he showed me a site or two. At, I found out that what my cousin meant about direcTV is a Satellite TV connection. And at the site, I found out that they have lots of direcTV deals and direcTV offers. DirecTV specials vary every month, but to summarize, discount direcTV is worth it.

I guess all four men can actually save by having applied for direcTV because compared with a cable connection, it is a lot cheaper. Well, what do you know? With all that they can save, all four men, single and unattached will have lots of money come Christmas 2009..ahahaha...


I think people will find it weird but I like my coffee in the morning, or anytime of the day, "iced"..yes! I love a tall glass of iced coffee...

Hahaha...I am not crazy guys. I don't know exactly why that is so, but I just do...I even like anything with coffee. Ice cream, cake, and anything with the flavor...Oh but here's one thing I will never ever coffee...ugh!!!

So, what do you think? wink..wink...wink...


My dad wants to close down Honeysweet. The store, not the tutorial. So all should be placed in the “orange house”..I see it as a bad thing, marketing wise. I mean, it helps that the place is positioned along the road. So if we pull out from the place, I do not know what will happen….

My dad wants me to shoulder everything if we are to keep the place. I am in the process of renewing the business permit, and I am almost done. Already paid the doubled quotation, with the current address. So what’s gonna happen now? It is okay if we simply focus on the new place, but, I think it is also best to keep the old. With the planned changes, I think it will work. My dad's plan, alongside my suggestions, it should work...but the rest of the family wants it in COMPLETELY!!! Just like that. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

I really hate this but all my efforts for my father’s business is not recognized by them. They simply want the easy way in a why did they ever go into this, if they do not have the patience to bear with everything. On my part, I feel it is unfair for I have sacrificed everything…including my income. Truthfully, my blogging income, my tutorials and even my other source of funds only go to the business. Why am i holding on? Because I think long term…surely it all starts from this experiences. But it will be what I would like to see it someday—stable as it should be...

But now, I do not know if it is a practical thing to hold on still…Although as always, I hold on...and it applies to anything or anyone dear to me...

So guys, what do you think?


When I was in elementary, I have heard of a lot of tales about the Occult. There was said to be a headless nun with an unfinished business at the auditorium of Lourdes College grade school, that also frequents the third floor washroom..huh! And her head was said to be flushed at one of the toilet

Then, when I was transferred by fate to Montessori de Oro, another tale was passed from one student to another and it is about the soldier who lost his arms and legs that was said to be buried on the grounds of the main building, who at six in the evening would show himself to a child who is alone to ask help from. According to the tale he needs a child to look for his missing limbs because a child sees better than adults....ahahaha...Young and naive as I was then, I believed every tale. When we were in high school, our campus was bigger and more prone to similar stories, especially when it's about dark and gloomy. But of course, no one is allowed to remain "unattended" in the RER Campus so when someone is not fetched yet, she or he is brought to the main building and parents will have to be called and be told that the student awaits them at the main building.

Back then, our routine was, my father will take us to school in the morning and fetch us in the afternoon....if he comes late, we stay put, and wait some more...unless our "manang" (nanny) comes on his behalf...Some afternoons we can spend time playing with the other kids because my father would come late. But when it's already six and the campus is all so quite, we would simply sit beside "manong guard"(security guard)...the nearer to the gate, the better...why? Oh, we were afraid that the soldier might appear and summon us to fetch his limbs....hahaha...


Before you proceed to read this post, please click on the photo below to enlarge it, perhaps open the link in a new tab or window so it will be easier and faster for you to read the post afterward. But please, read my post after seeing the picture, because what you may have in mind, may not be what that is all about. Ok? Now click on the photo below please....hehehe...

What you have seen could have fed people in the evacuation centers around the city. The flash flood victims or the landslide victims mainly...Would you agree with me? But NO!.... That is not possible....Not possible to feed hungry flash flood victims with moldy bread, and not possible that the owner of the shop is selfish (because they are not, I promise you that...) enough not to give those breads while they have not acquired their moldy appearance and all. Looking at those wasted food really breaks my heart, knowing that it could have served a worthwhile purpose than be thrown outside as garbage...even the dogs that tore apart the black garbage bags did not even have the stomach to feed on them so they left the garbage looking ravaged as ever...And you can not blame anyone because such is also a loss for the business owner/s... The way I see it, those loaves of bread were returns from where they have been placed as consignment (usually return items are those that were unsold...). Perhaps from the big supermarkets or anywhere else that sells bread.... And of course, nothing can be done but to have them thrown away...sigh...

Frustrating, isn't it? Whew...sometimes in life, we just can not do anything if it's already fate that comes knocking...such as the fate of those loaves of bread...and those who could have benefited from them if they had not been moldy and stale...

If you wish to help the said victims, DXCC is still accepting relief goods and food packs for them...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Who among you here would like to lose weight? Am sure all of us do? And I am pretty sure, it has nothing to do with aesthetic reasons. Although, some think so too. Ahahaha...

As for me, honestly, I am seriously considering it now compared to the previous years. As a mother, like what I said in my previous posts, I would like to see my daughter's daughters's not something because I am afraid of dying early either. Quite frankly, basing on my father's experience, most complications come when a "big" person starts to get sick. Medication is expensive, so is time and energy wasted. Well, I have had the most evident reasons now than before too. See, I have started feeling my body's complaints. And believe me, such complaints are louder during rainy days like these days we're having...

So what's my problem? Nothing really. I just realize that diet alone will not work. Now, I am on a special diet, and we have a complete set of exercise machines at home, courtesy of my fathers mild stroke the other year. See, during that time the doctors advised him to use an elliptical trainer, alongside his diet and medication. He was set on a slow pace, until my father have recovered. He is still on medication now, but he is doing fine.

What struck me to get serious? Well, once after dinner, he sat with me and told me I am too young to experience what he has experienced. He also added that for my daughter's sake I should start my weight loss journey. He said he is doing it for the family because he knows if he wont work towards his health, he will be a burden upon himself and the family. He was quite frank about it adding that there is more to life to enjoy when you are healthy rather than being big and sickly...And of course, I took my father's words by heart....


And I thought it was over because the sun's rays beamed like gold this morning. Had all laundry washed---but now, I am pretty sure they are wet again. one went to the "orange house" to get them from the cloth's anyway, I know for sure they are wet, so just let them be...I'll just wash them again, ahahaha...later when we go home...for now, I'll have to make money online first---got to make a living...with the sun out of reach, surely we need something for the rainy days...and I mean rainy days literally...hahaha

Why can't the weather be just fine???... sigh..sigh..


Hey guys, have you heard of an xml contest? What is that kind of contest and what are the prizes? What is that all about? Well, this contest consists of 5 different contests, which are aimed at students and professionals alike...Hmm, sound like fun and more practical, don't you think so? Each type of the contest offers its own recognition and set of prizes and the range of skills encompasses those whose interest in XML and database technology are merely passing, to those with hardcore programming skills in DB2. So this contest is more like a "battle of skills"...Now, before one can participate, he or she, will first need to take a "Quick Quiz", which is a short questionnaire that requires no prior XML or database experience to complete. Now this initial step should only be taken once.

To start now, one has to register for any of the following contests:

1.) Video Contest: The goal is to invent a creative use of XML, XQuery or DB2 and record yourself doing it. 2.) Gadget Contest: The task is to develop a downloadable gadget or widget leveraging DB2. 3.) Query Contest: The task is to use XQuery to find five answers. The best queries win the best prizes! Isn't that fabulous? Ahaha...I would like to try this one... 4.) Ported App Contest1: The goals is to port or develop a new app for DB2. Enter as an individual or assemble a team. So go ahead and contact all the geniuses in your clan...and of course, last but not the least, 5.) XML2 Contest: Goal is to win by building useful, user-friendly XML apps from scratch. Enter as an individual or assemble a team. Again, gather up all your genius buddies and join...

Weeeh, I want to join this contest...

Sunday, January 18, 2009





Saturday, January 17, 2009


Thank you so much ROSE for this exciting award...This really made my day! So I am giving this award to all of my blogger friends, just please grab it when you have time..

I guess I wont have to enumerate friends here, as I am grateful to all of you who visit this blog. I am sharing this to the bloggers who follow me on this blog, and to all those in my blogroll. And of course, to those friends I shall be meeting for the first time...again, just feel free to grab...take care...

Thanks also to PAU, for giving me this same award..Oh my goodness, isn't that something? Getting an award twice...yeepee...

Thanks again ladies...


I was browsing through pictures of the good ole Convergys days...ha! Tracking down memory lane, or wanting to go back to the fun and complicated world of the Contact Center...Whew...well, it was fun those days. We were like in school, having fun and learning a lot in the process. Have to pass otherwise we'd fail....but of course the fun part will always be FUN...we have events and parties every month. It was never boring. For me, the most fun was dressing up for certain events like the white Christmas or the Halloween events. Sometimes, we will have the "pajama day", where we go to work wearing our pajamas or sleepwear...that was fun too. And the good thing about it is that a contest is held as to who wears the best costumes...the prizes are bigger during Halloween though. That's why as early as January, people are already busy preparing for the best, as the prize is not just your ordinary money prize. Sometimes we have free trips as prizes..imagine that?

So anyway, I have seen lots of costumes online last October as I went through bloghopping. People have really done fabulously with their costumes. I saw one that's rather scary than sexy-a lady dressed in tight fitting red leather with her horns and tail..Another is a super sexy witch with a witch hat and a broom, but she was wearing a mini skirt, lol... But most of all, I find the Greek Goddess Halloween costumes a lot sexier. Simple, elegant, sexy. No trace of being scary there, unless you do something else like put on a gory bloody looking thing to add to your get up...

The pioneer call center agents who have won the contests back at CVG, when they are asked where they got their costumes would often say they got them online, so maybe those people too that I have seen while bloghopping got them online, as there are a lot of online stores selling Halloween costumes as early as now. One of then is They have costumes for adult, teen, kids, toddler, baby, and even for pets. Imagine that? Wow...exciting isn't it? Oh and the costumes available on that site is not only for Halloween. Actually, if you will be attending a themed party, you can most like get your stuff there too.

Hmm...seeing the costumes on that site is like being at CVG again. I miss those days of fun parties, costume parties and more....


I received a private message in FACEBOOK from Claire today. I just want to share it with all of you. And if you know anybody who belongs to my class, do inform them. The power of the Internet is vast, so as my blog's...ahahaha...just kidding..

"Hello Guys!
Unsa man plano? Murag gusto nila mag organize ta (ang naa sa CDO) ug class reunion. Willing ko pero di man pud nako kaya kung ako lang pud isa. Hinuon, murag daghan2 man ta dre sa CDO, at least kung ang isa busy then naa makapuli basta dili lang pud pwede kung tanan busy napud. Anyway, sige lang kay ang di maka anhi, trouble gyud kay mag funding nato!hahaha! (joke). Planned date kay sa December. May unta makastart ta sa meeting then organization etc asap para by the time magduol na ang December dili ta magkabuang ug pa booking etc. In short, dili mabulabog esp. kita ang host bale kay kita ang naa dre. And also kay December, busy ta tanan unless naa other date nga pwede nato ma put aside tanan atong mga activities para maka attend aning atong SPECIAL CLASS REUNION.hehehe. And kadtong naa sa States, Japan, New Zealand, etc. maka uli puhon...
It would be my pleasure then kung naa mu reply aning akong message and please forward to others. Also, get information regarding our other classmates kung naa mo contact like address, email add, cell phone numbers, para ma inform sila. Greatest achievement gyud nato tanan if this would push through and complete ta if possible. God bless!!!
Sarah Claire N. Villamor-Bello
Class Muse(toinks!)...klaro lang daghan mu react!hahaha!
P.S. Please send me your email addresses and indicate your location and cell phone numbers for directory. And for those wala sa CDO, for any suggestions, please email me at suggested date, concept, etc..."

Anyway, that's about it. If anyone out there knows who MDO's batch 92 students are, please relay the message to them. Thanks.

Massage Videos

Remember my blog about reflexology? A friend of mine was able to read it and called the number of my friend Vong and immediately had an appointment hours later at their center. I am really glad I was able to help. She said she had been suffering from lower back pain, also pain on her hands and and feet. When she got there, she was so happy because Vong was very accommodating. And she enjoyed 20 minutes of hand reflexology. Afterwards, she was lead to a comfortable reclined chair and had another 30 minutes for foot reflexology. She was liking her whole experience so she asked if she can have another set for her back. However Vong offered her a better deal by giving her a full body massage. Eliza was so happy afterwards. She sent me a text message and told me to extend her thanks again to my dear friend Vong as she was already able to breathe and stretch..whew..see what reflexology can do? hehehe...been there, done it, enjoyed it.... She then asked if Vong could extend lessons also aside from giving reflexology to tired aching muscles as she is interested to learn the skill so she can do it to her family at home. I told her she should have asked Vong because at their center they offer classes to those who are interested to learn. From what I gathered, they have lots of materials including a massage DVD to help students learn the skill.It is a beneficial part in the study mainly because it will help you picture out and see for yourself how a certain technique is done. Below are examples of said videos:

Deep Tissue Massage

Massage Techniques | Massage Supplies

Deep Tissue Massage

Massage Techniques | Massage Supplies

More of these videos can be found at, I can't wait to see Vong for another stress release again.

Anthem Tonik Health Insurance

My search for health insurance is not over yet guys. Lazar wants me to give him at least 5 to choose from. So this thing with the justice system really works. Because now he wants what is best for his money parallel to our daughter's medical and health insurance needs. I found another one through my best friend online, Mr. Google. I found Anthem Tonik Health Insurance on one of the links he provided. It is a major medical insurance plan offered by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. And was first introduced to provide a simple, yet comprehensive plan covering not only major medical, but dental and vision coverage.

Blue Cross Tonik Health Insurance plans provide coverage for everyday, preventive checkups and the more serious incidents like emergencies, broken bones, head injuries, cancer, and many others. Almost everything is covered except maternity coverage. Hehehe...Zarelle does not need maternity coverage now, so I think this will be considered.


Today, I was able to watch "PLONING". A movie that is simple yet it can touch your heart with its depth. The movie is starred by non other that Judy Ann Santos and the setting is in the beautiful Island of Cuyo in Palawan. At first the movie will seem dull and boring but in the middle part you will be able to absorb the story and you will be moved and touched by its depth. You will be able to appreciate simplicity and the uniqueness of life in the Island and the people that make up the web of life there.

I never heard of this movie until lately it was announced that it is the Official Philippine Entry to the BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM CATEGORY of the 81st ACADEMY AWARDS... It was even a surprise to see a DVD lying around in the house. But the story is truly remarkable, and the actors have given justice to their roles...

So Juday and company, I salute you all for this great movie...

You can visit for more information.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Online Pharmacy

Tomorrow, Saturday, three of my civic organizations will be doing our share in the community parallel to the current condition of Cagayan de Oro City. It was really funny because the leaders of each org almost texted the same concern early this evening. Why, of course. Because the recipients of tomorrow's activities are the same---KAGAY-ANON FLOOD VICTIMS. Although, the areas are different, still it's within our beloved city. In truth, I have already disposed most of our used clothing at home since Honeysweet Learning Center have also given its share to the flash flood as well as to the landslide victims of our small town, Balulang. There is no more clothes to give. So I am left with no choice but to prepare food packs (noodles, canned goods, etc.) for tomorrow's affair. Although, I wont personally be there since I can not divide my body in three parts, lol...I will just meet with leaders early tomorrow to deliver my little something for each group. In the mean time, I will finish packing after this blog...

Earlier this morning, I heard on the radio, over Bombo Radyo, that the victims need medicine more than anything because of the weather we have. Yes, we have a very bad weather condition to top everything. But at this late hour how can I ever buy medicine to give out for tomorrow? Perhaps if we have something like an Online Pharmacy where we can buy directly online and have the medicines we ordered be delivered right at our doorstep. That would be good. Just like the Canada Pharmacy Escrow Service I found earlier in Google while searching about online medicines services. Hmmm...I wish I had more time to prepare. Perhaps, Canadian Online Pharmacy is open for services even here in the Philippines...I think I will go ahead and check it out.

Anyway, for you guys out there, if you are in need of medicine, generic or a specific brand, why not try buying from Canadian Online Pharmacy. We save a lot if we buy online. Less hassle since it will be delivered right to our doorsteps. Plus, it will save us the energy and time to commute or drive going to a pharmacy on a specific location. Sometimes when we go to a pharmacy, and the medicine we are supposed to buy is not available, we have already wasted so much time and gas....don't you agree? I will end this post here since I still have food packs to finish...

Natasha Moments...

My cousin and I attended a party once and we were surprised to see each other wearing the same costume, on the picture to enlarge, and see for yourself...

After the big surprise,we both laughed and asked one of the guys to take a photo for our Natasha Moment, ahehehe...

Make Money By Betting On Sports

Do you have what it takes to live your life by making a living betting on Sports? Would you like to test drive your skill in betting on Sports and make it as your bread and butter? I sure would like to try it. That means staying online most of the time. Well, that is not new to me anymore. As a blogger, I can say I am used to being online most of the time, lol...But of course making a living betting on sports is what's new. I have not tried it yet. But of course, new experiences are always welcome.

Anyway, Vestin Sports is currently offering a free 1 year account to bloggers who would like to provide an honest review for their online sports betting system at Their sports betting system provides the interested blogger everything there is to know to make a living betting on sports. A free account shall be given so the interested blogger who don't have to place any bets if the interest of placing bets is not there. In other words, the blogger still has the freedom to bet or not to bet, lol... The interested blogger can use the sports betting system as a practice account to see how much money could really be earned in the process. And of course, would be the basis for his or her reviews.

To anyone, blogger or not, if you wish to try out the sports betting systems of Vestin Sports you are very much welcome to do so. Just visit the website at I am sure it will be fun and rewarding too...


I donated $3 thru paypal:

Here is why:

Chiq Montes, the founder of CDO Bloggers to which I belong, will be launching a Feeding Program Project this weekend. Chiq together with fellow bloggers in CDO will distribute rice and noodles to the most affected barangays.

This Feeding Program Project needs your support. A donation from your hearts to this cause for as little as $3.00 via PayPal can really help. The money that will be raised from your generous donations will be used to buy more rice and noodles. Please send your donations directly to

Photo Credit on Blog Post: Himantayon

Guys, what's $3 if it can help our brothers and sisters here in our beloved city? Besides, if you are willy-nilly to give your $3, think of it as a missed opp, something that happens every time in PPP or in Payingpost (just trying to be funny here..hehehe...) and that's it. But please have a heart...Believe me, more blessings will come to a selfless giver...more opps to a selfless blogger...wink..wink...


Also, here in Balulang, we are still collecting used clothing and footwear for Balulang's victims...if possible, children's footwear that we may give out. PM me if you have something to share.


In the political arena, it seems that the flood here in Mindanao is not such a big thing for most of the Philippines, in fact, no one ever hears anything about it in the national news. That's why most Kagay-anons who are living away from home are shocked upon seeing pictures from most bloggers here in even during calamities like this there is still politicking huh? Anyway, here's a link to one of CDO's most admired broadcast journalist. I often see Kim Quilingging on TV thru ABS-CBN. Now, I am able to read The Wandering Observer thru multiply. Click here. You will see pictures and videos there that you have not seen before.

A Perfect World...

My cousin Neonila finally decided to create her first blog and she named it A Perfect World. I think she is planning to promote the beautiful Island of Camiguin in her blog. For now she is still in the learning phase and the trial and error begins, lol...Anyway, I salute her for her choice of color and widgets. Not to mention the theme of her posts. I am very sure her site will be a hit. :)

So guys, I am inviting you all to visit my cousin's site at

I am very sure you will like your stay there. She told me on her next posts she will be featuring the different scenic spots in Camiguin, so might as well visit her site because there are other places in Camiguin that only a Camiguingnon knows about....


On our third year together L was driving a black Ford Lynx. It was a cool car and he really liked it. Unfortunately some problem came regarding the car he drove. The car which he bought cash direct from the branch at Cdo...A problem that caused him to suffer humiliation, that ended with him suing the said branch. Well, that was all behind us now. He still likes cars made by Ford but because of that incident, he promised himself not to get another Ford or any other car from that seller. But just to clarify, it isn't the car company that he is shunning away from, it's the particular branch that sold the car to him. To what really happened, that I will not discuss without permission from him. Had the branch treated him well and made a good deal at that time, he could have bought another car from them. I guess if we are really to consider buying something we need to make sure we are buying it from a very good dealer.

Anyway, speaking of cars made by Ford, I discovered New Ford. Of course, Ford has an excellent, well presented range of cars. That's why L liked Ford cars so much. Not only to suit anybody's budget, but individuals and families. I found out also that Ford cars are also sold online through, which operates an all car portal, dealing in new cars, used cars and leasing offers. Through their car section, anyone can complete a quote request and submit it without wasting time and energy. This request will then be circulated to the most competitive dealers for whatever brand you are looking for. The Dealer will then contact the potential customer back in order to discuss the requirements and provide the most competitive new car quote in the UK. Wow. Isn't that amazing?


When you are feeling stressed out and dead tired, reflexology can help a lot. It can ease tiredness and release stress. It can unburden you of the body pains you are suffering.

When I was yet in the contact center world, I always enjoy a full body massage at the end of my shift before starting my 2 days off work. Then when I arrive home, I take a good rest by sleeping away the remaining hours. I wake feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Then I start enjoying the remaining day doing what I like. The full body massage costs P 350 at The Banyan Tree...If you go anywhere else it costs more. But if budget is tight, there is always reflexology at the Sto. Niño de Cebu...hahaha...

Here in Cagayan de Oro City, I recommend the refloxologists of the Our Lady of Fatima Reflexology Center in Camaman-an. You may contact my dear friend Vong Micayabas at +639264328435...

Vegas Health Insurance

Lazar said he will be taking care of Zarelle's medical needs. So I searched for what's best for my daughter. As I was browsing the web for health insurance, I came upon UnitedHealthOne. It is one of the insurance carriers supported by Vegas Health Insurance. The latter provides free health insurance quotes for an individual or a family in Nevada. Specifically, medical insurance. Vegas Health Insurance also services for carriers such as Aetna, Anthem, Humana, United Healthcare or UnitedHealthOne. To know more about medical insurance, do call them at 702-448-3664 and speak with a Vegas Health Insurance Agent. The said agent will then prepare a qoute for how much you will avail parallel to how much they cost. And everything will work from there.

We should not gamble with our health insurance. We need to know what's est for us. When health insurance was not yet conceived, people had to pay all their health care costs out of their own pockets. Now, it is a great advantage to have health insurance, it saves time and money.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"The People's Trainer"

Align Center
Guess who visited my blog site today? It's none other than Robbie Diamond, our trainer from SPRINT back in my contact center days. And here is what he said (refer to my cbox messages):

"4 hours ago Robbie: Hi Eleanor. This is a great site!!! Did you put this together. I miss you and I hope that we can see each other again one day. I'm proud of you and you are still beautiful darlz!!!!"

Robbie has always been like that. Sweet. Nice. Sincere. Always looking after his kids--(all 20 of us under him in training...) It is always nice to hear from him mainly because he is a very nice person to relate with. You can talk to him about anything and he is very supportive of your cause, whatever they may be. Aside from being a trainer he is also a coach. Check out the website of their little community, Southside Titans. You will like visiting their site often. And as you do, you will get to know the kind of person called "The People's Trainer"...

God bless you Big Daddy...and Thank you so much for everything...
(I miss the Cashew Nuts, ahehehe...)

FYI: The photo above was taken by Icing...all of us had a picture taken with Robbie for our farewell gift for him when he was about to leave back to the US.

Always will be...

Join Dneero

Here's a new fun survey from Dneero...

Join Dneero and earn while having fun answering here to join.


Have you ever thought of getting a website to promote your business? Well, who doesn't? Almost all businesses now have a website to showcase what they are selling. And sometimes, even if people have nothing to sell, they sign up for a website. That's how popular websites are nowadays. As a logger I could relate to this because a blog site is totally different from that of a website. But we bloggers also have our way of dressing up our site that sometimes our site can be mistaken as a website. Ahehehe...So anyway, while I was in the process of contemplating how to make Just the Tip of the Iceberg, my blog, presentable, I came across a site that offers a makeover for websites but with lesser costs. They actually use free blogger tools to create entire websites for small businesses that deliver all of the results expected from an expensive, custom-developed site. The difference is a lower price. Yes, lower price but quality is not sacrificed to deliver a good website. The websites will include RSS Feeds, Simple CMS, A Blog and follow basic SEO principals for site development. If you are curious about this site and would like to get their services, visit for more information.

Rain Rain Go Away...

"Rain Rain Go Away,
Come Again Another Day...

Little Lili Wants to Play"

Can't daughter's been chanting that since yesterday. It still has not stopped, The rain kept pouring. Our clothes have not dried completely. We still aired out those from the dryer as they are cold to touch. My daughter wants to go to the "orange house" because mommy (me) promised that I will be setting up the portable pool (inflatable) in the garage of the new place. But we couldn't do anything because it's too cold to go outside and have a pool fun...Whew...rain please go...please...


I will go on a diet. I always tell myself that. But I have not really started. Hmm... Because I have not seen something that could really work for me. Is this true? Or am I just making up excuses? Hehehe...Honestly, I have read so many diet regimens, from pills to shakes to food (fruits, etc...) Believe me I tried.

I have even read a lot of reviews for specific diets, diet pill reviews, and many others. But of course, I still would go for diet pills that work. When I was younger I did use diet pills and they worked best for me at that time. But the brand I used then is no longer in the market today. That's why I am in the process of looking for what's best. I looked everywhere. Magazine ads, tv, radio and of course my salvation as always, the Internet. My friend Mr. Google gave me a few good suggestions and I have found one that I feel will be a good choice for diet pills. It's called Best Diet Pills. So from the name itself, it must really be the best...ahahaha...

Now, why do I like diet pills instead of the rest? Well, it's simple. I can just carry it wherever I go and take it. I do not have to prepare it or anything. No mess, no extra effort to go in shape. Except of course if I plan to do some exercise along with it. Hehehe...Am that is what I am eying for next...

By the way, here's a matching video I found in You Tube...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So i was wrong. I thought the sun would come out today. It didn't. It simply stayed where it was and all the afternoon went dark and gloomy. Added to that is another BLACK OUT. Well, it happened twice today. **sigh**


Space Saving Bed

When I was in Cebu working for Convergys, our first four days were spent inside what we called "The Big Brother House". Patterned after Pinoy Big Brother, we, 20 newly hires from Cagayan de Oro City had to live together in one house. It was situated just beside the Convergys Cebu City Site. We only had to go outside the gate, walk a few steps and we are already inside Convergys. We thought it was cool on the first two days. After we settled on the first day, we went to SM to buy ourselves what we needed....beds, mattresses and some important things to be used inside the house. The apartment was totally empty when we occupied it. There were no beds. And since there were 20 of us, even if there were three rooms, the whole house would need things that would fit without the inconvenience of the other people. One of our housemates brought, all the way from CDO, a double blow up mattress so she offered to share it with someone in the group. So that person, instead of buying a bed, bought herself and the group a stove where we can cook our food. All went well. We grouped ourselves according to which room to stay in. So 20 divided by 3 since there were three rooms. The room with the double blow up mattress accommodated 10. So there were just 5 in each of the other rooms. Why they were 10? Well, their room was a little bigger. Plus, the mattress was a blow up mattress so what they do when the two ladies wouldn't use it is get the air out and the room is as wide as a dance floor, ahahaha...

Oh and once, when we went to Moalboal, they brought it and every body had fun in our camping site. Woohoo...


I just love this story:

Here is a story shared during one of our meetings at Marymount. Any neophyte with an aggressive and determined attitude can relate to this on the job setting. When I started working, I always felt like I was the only odd man in the office. All of them shared the same viewpoint. Being in a government office at that time was rather conflicting in my views of making money and going or arriving in the office on time. I was locked up in the ideals that my dear Alma Mater has given me, that I have absorbed. I found it frustrating. Thus, every time i see a rather conflicting situation, I shun away from it thinking that I'd be good somewhere else where my talents and skills will come in handy and appreciated. That explains me resigning from what my relatives call a stable work. Perhaps, the best setting so far was when I worked as Guidance Career Placement and Promotions Officer at one of the Computer Schools in the Philippines. The job was challenging and I felt I was doing everything perfectly well. I so loved the fact that I report directly to the School Director or to the son of the owner who is in charge of marketing. I did what I was tasked to do. But what I liked most is how to execute my plans, because they were left with me..they simply give me a Go signal or a No. And that was that. Everything I did was in good faith. And out of loyalty to the persons who trusted me with my tasks. All talents and skills that I have I put to use. All connections used to complete a program or two. All students have enjoyed the exposures they have had, to which, they would not have had any. ... My direct bosses happy...Unknown to me at that time was the fact that some of my co workers wanted to share in the glory and favors that I was enjoying at that time. Well, it all started with the Alumni Homecoming that I organized... So some "old maids" and Eleanor-wannabes speak ill of me. Hahaha...or so they tried. And what's funny was the fact that even when I resigned already (I resigned when I enrolled in Nursing as my second course)they still continued their egoistic rantings. Hahaha..and they still talk about me until now..I wonder why...I wish they would stop because either way, nothing is going to change who I am and the things that I am blessed with... The "old maid" who kept all the blubbery now is able to do what she wanted to do so why cant she just stop talking? Is she still angry with me for having been chosen as emcee in every major program, instead of her when I was still there? So she gets to be the emcee now, what's her problem? Is it because she still can not get a boyfriend? Hmmm...maybe she needs to get laid or something..ahahaha...kidding aside, it's a normal scenario. At least that's what my family and relatives say. People who can not do what you can do will say so many things against you. Because they want you to be ordinary like them. They hate seeing you excel, while they are left in their little boring corners. That is not the exact story of the peacock in the land of penguins, but similarly, the story falls the same way...I am the peacock with all the colorful feathers, while they are the penguins who wear a very boring black suit...and they could not fly...ahahaha...

Seriously now, I do not mean to be boastful or arrogant but these "old maids" really need to stop! And I mean STOP..because what they are doing is not killing me but them, ahahaha...You should listen to are too obvious. SHUT UP AND LIVE YOUR LIVES!! I have not done anything to you people!! I am simply living my life, so you should live yours too!

Hey, if you wish to get the real story about the Peacock in the land of Penguins, PM me okay? I'll send it to your email...tahtah for now...


When I was in high school, my best friend gave me a book called Frog Eyes Loves Pig...It was some sort of a love story between a guy who wears glasses, but eventually loses them in exchange for contact lenses while the girl was chubby who is opting at losing weight. Ahahaha, so there goes the title. Anyway, the two had conflicts at first mainly because they both had a problem of accepting themselves as they are. So both of them wanted to change how they each looked and opted to date others, but in the end, they got together and became a couple. A very simple love story for teeny-boppers..ahahahha...

Anyway, speaking of contact lenses, my sister Honey, before she left for Manila, bought a new pair from the aunt of my cousin at a discounted rate. Well, the entire family is enjoying discounts when it comes to eye wear since the aunt of my cousin does business that way. And it's not only our family. I think she gives discounts to all her friends too. So everybody comes back for more. Actually my cousin Princess will soon be following her footsteps and will open her own shop when she graduates. So I guess she will be doing the same strategy in terms of marketing that same kind of business. However, being young spirited Princess would like hers to be more modernized. So I suggested that she should have a website. And she simply smiled and said that is part of her plan. That way, even if her shop will be opened here in Cagayan de Oro, friends and relatives can still have access to what's new in her shop through her portal.

Anyway speaking of what's new. I found this really amazing. I discovered a kit that enables a contact lens user to determine when to replace his/her contact lens. It's perfect for everyone regardless of age. It actually counts down the number of days left to change contact lenses and or the contact lens case. The eyes are protected and less will be spent on replacement contact lenses because how often disposable contact lenses are worn is monitored. The case change time can be set from 0-99 days and lens change time can be set from 0-60 days. This kit is called LensAlert. This is a very important kit because wearing contact lenses too long may cause serious damage to the eye.

Below is how it looks like:

I actually found many interesting things about this kit online and on AC Lens blog. I wonder, if "frog eyes" ever used some kit like this...hmmm...oh well, it was just a fictional story. I may just be taking it seriously..hahaha...Who cares, I am still young at heart..wink..wink...



The rain has never stopped falling since Sunday. Last night a disturbing text message was sent by most of my friends and relatives...

"ALERT..please pass 2 ur relatives 2 prepare 4 d emergency...bad weather will move 2 worst by 8 pm 2nite...strong winds whirling at 2am dawn. Will further worsen by Jan 15 CODE RED..2 landslide in Balulang likud Manresa and Buhawi (tornado) burst in Baungon 2day...By XU Atmospheric Analysis. Check with PAG-ASA. If online, check web @ koichi university Japan"

My father then called and at about 8:45 pm last night, both Marivel and I were already in our homes. Black out came at 9:35 pm...but electricity was restored before 11pm.

Today, it rained still in the early part of the day. At this specific time am writing my blog, there is already a hint of sunshine that is still shy and timid to come out...Although, the gray clouds still loom, there is already hope that the sun will eventually shine...

On the news however, Lumbia was hit by a tornado. The rift raft below Price Plaza Hotel was damaged also. Snakes were said to have come out in some parts of the city and have bitten some residents...In the other parts outside Cagayan de Oro City, Gingoog and Medina are submerged in waist deep waters...Around the city, the same barangays suffered the same fate as the previous flash flood..All these from Bombo Radyo Philippines...

On our side, the streamer which hung at the new place got loose and one of the toy dinosaurs used as leverage is on the roof...ahahaha...Thank God for another beautiful day.

The sun will shine, I know. But let the events be a lesson for all of us. let us put back what has been destroyed by man. Let us plant trees and REDUCE WASTE, REUSE WHAT CAN STILL BE USED, AND OF COURSE, RECYCLE...

There is no one to be blamed for all these happenings. Man have done the worst in nature that nature is totally angry about...


Here's a new fun survey from Dneero...

Join Dneero and earn while having fun answering here to join.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Find a V-Event Near You

Returning events 1 to 6 of 6

We hope you can make it to one (or two or three) of these V-Day events! Events are listed alphabetically by country, state/province, and then city.

V-Day Dumaguete City (MMRP)
Community Campaign Event
Dumaguete City, Philippines
(dates to be announced)
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V-Day Cebu City (TVM)
Community Campaign Event
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
(dates to be announced)
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V-Day West Visayas State University College of Nursing (TVM)
College Campaign Event : West Visayas State University College of Nursing
Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines
(dates to be announced)
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Community Campaign Event
(dates to be announced)
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Community Campaign Event
(dates to be announced)
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Community Campaign Event
(dates to be announced)
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Please note: The events listed here are those that have been approved by the V-Day Campaign directors. The event information that appears, however, is input and maintained by the individual event organizer.

V-Day College Campaign events are independently organized by students and listings on V-Day's web-site do not imply the endorsement or official sanction of any institution.


That remains to be seen. It seemed that the educational system here in the Philippines is always the first to suffer when times of calamities hit or when there is a bad weather condition. Mainly because most public schools then will be made as relocation or evacuation centers for the victims. If you ask students about it, most of them will say that they love it because there is no class. Contrary to what is expected, it is not only the public school students who are rejoicing for having no classes. Private school students also have no classes for reasons that the bad weather condition is feared to affect the health of the students. Ironically, most students in the Private schools, because they can afford to go to the mall, would watch a movie or two and even go to gimmicks, instead of staying at home due to no classes. Funny huh?

Well, it just goes to show how most Filipinos see education. Sad but true. That's why sometimes, I think of having my daughter I know how important education is for her...and her future...where ever she chooses to live...


My friend and neighbor, Aveline just arrived after their immersion program in Bukidnon. She was all so red and she had large bumps all over her body. She told me that for 14 days staright she has not been sleeping in a regular bed as the place she stayed at had no bed. The family only have sacks placed side by side to form a makeshift bed for their visitor. The rest of them slept on the floor. When she showed me her red bumps, I knew it was something similar to bed bug bites. But to be sure, I told her she should go and see a doctor so she gets a bed bug bite treatment if it is bed bug that has caused teh red bumps. But if not, then the doctor would know what to do, or what should be done about her condition.

Aveline looked like she needed a bath I told her to go get herself a bath, while I fix her something warm to eat. After that, I think she should get herself a good afternoon nap. That will do the trick. But then again, when I told her that she said she does not think she can sleep with all the itchiness and the sore. So I called DTR, my doctor friend and hopefully she gets to diagnose what the real situation of Aveline's red bumps.

I have experienced being bitten by a bed bug but it was not like the sore on Aveline's body. Her's was liek a curse...ugh! Sorry Aveline, I am just speaking my mind out. Anyway, hopefully with DTR Around we'll know what to do. In the mean time, I will need to fionish preparing foodies as I think Aveline's sore will turn to be a gathering of sorts, ahehehe...should I say, "Thank God for her sore?"...nuh...I say, "Thank God for friends"...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Online Observations...

When I came upon the site Online Observations, I was thinking of something serious. Well, the topics are indeed serious and as a matter of fact, the topics concerns all people who go online...Some relevant topics which may be important to bloggers. I also like her template, it's clean and clear. So I am inviting all you people who are curious of what's going on in the online world visit Online Observations today...



Click on the Image to see clearly...

My sister Honey made this early this afternoon...She's leaving tomorrow for Manila. We will miss her foodies... Anyway, the ingredients of this pasta dish will not be written here because it is Honey's recipe and I have not asked permission from her...This treat is truly yummy as I have finished even Marivel's share...ahehehhe...thank God she's pregnant and hates shrimps and squid at this time...Hahaha...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let's Play Poker...

Poker is a game of cards that's fun...actually, I don't play it much because I am not an expert. However, when I am with my online friend Tracy, I play...because Tracy tells me what to do and how to play my game. She tells me what cards to lay down or how my cards should be dealt...We have joined many online game sites where poker is played, but of course since I am not a pro like Tracy, I sometimes just watch her play. There is this one site which allows for people to watch the game while the players played. That's how I learn the game. But of course I am not serious on betting. I usually play when what is required as payments are online "peanuts" or the chips...hehehe, that way I don't lose real money.

We have been to many poker sites but nothing could compare with At this particular site, they give out reviews, strategies and news about poker. There are chat rooms and forums to help poker wannabes like me. They give out a PokerStars Marketing Code, which allows a player to receive an exclusive 100% deposit bonus, up to $50...hmmm... I bet that is the largest bonus available. Aside from that, a player who signs up will not receive the $50 that any other website can offer you, an extra $800 every single month in freerolls and money added tournaments, will also be given... Access to exclusive PokerStars events, including the online poker league, the FTR Gauntlet will also be, that is really something. Aint it? And a Poker Stars Bonus Code is also given for anyone interested to sign up. These PokerStars Bonus are great since with this kind of strategy, players come back for more.

And what I specially like about this site is that they are offering direct downloads to certain poker rooms without even visiting the website. Cool huh? At least you wouldn't have to open so many browsers just to enjoy the game. So guys, let's play poker...hehehe...