Report Annoying Callers, whether it's a prank call, or a malicious call, or an unwanted business call like the telemarketer who woke me up this morning (argh...), these types of calls need to be reported. Because if we won't report them, all these heartless individuals making the disturbing calls will never stop terorizing your privacy. And I swear, I was really disgruntled this morning I almost fell off my bed.
Anyway, I told my friend Amy about what happened and she referred me to a website that seems useful enough. I checked on and I am sure glad I followed Amy's advice. On the site you can actually search their database and search "Caller Identifiers" , you can do reverse look up from the lookup list of telephone numbers. You can ead submitted comments and post your own research and opinions. So in a way, this helps stop the telephone abusers from the abuse. Besides, if it's a product we want, we usually search the web anyway, right?
Anyway, I told my friend Amy about what happened and she referred me to a website that seems useful enough. I checked on and I am sure glad I followed Amy's advice. On the site you can actually search their database and search "Caller Identifiers" , you can do reverse look up from the lookup list of telephone numbers. You can ead submitted comments and post your own research and opinions. So in a way, this helps stop the telephone abusers from the abuse. Besides, if it's a product we want, we usually search the web anyway, right?
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