The photo on the right is taken from a website I browsed while doing my share of clicks on Isabel Marco... I just forgot the website so I cannot link it here... It was really funny and catchy. It said that women need not take off underwear just to get fast money online... TRUE!!! Although that site's purpose is to invite people to join its PTC program by signing up as a new member... I was not able to sign up though, as I said, I missed the site.. So anyway, since the onset of internet and technology, a lot of women do strange and unimaginable things just to get money online.. huh? expound further please!!! Well, from social networks to chatrooms, to all other money making avenues that requires a woman to get down and dirty for a few bucks, from telling lies to their chatmates to creating more lies which sometimes are co-starred by family members, from accidents to lack of funds for educational purpose and sometimes even deaths of loved ones which require ample amount for burial purposes... name it, those kinds of women have the lies to match... although, I wouldn't presume they did it on purpose, but maybe out of dire need.. but then again, may be due to materialism and the temptation of getting funds for their inkling of unnecessary stuff.. hmmm... many materialistic women resort to making FAST & EASY Money ONLINE...
They do not think of the consequences, the undignified fate they have caused to the innocent women who go online also... By golly, nakakahiya kayo!!! That is the reason why sometimes when descent women go into chatrooms, foreigners think they are there for the same purpose as the women who have victimized them... I should know, I have experienced this. Being told that I am there to chat for money... HELLO!!! That explains why I do not like going to chatrooms... Internet at Honeysweet may be 24 hours running, and most women who think that I am lucky to have this luxury say they envy me...lol, so I told one of them, I earn money online through blogging and PTC's and surveys and ads... and the woman I told that to answered that what I do for money online is tiring, and requires skills... Of course, but they are the skills I was born with, lol... kidding aside, I think chatting with strange men is more tiring than PTCs or surveys...
So what's my point in all these? Women, if you want to earn money online, there are many ways to do so. The choice is yours... You can always have it the "easy way" or the "clean way"... OK???
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