Below is how it looks like..

From the looks alone, you can definitely see that all presidential candidates are there.. There are other pictures of the candidates too. Some during private and public engagements. I think this is just wonderful. Don’t you agree? What I specifically like is the fact that you can upload pictures too. So if you know of certain events in your locality, you can simply upload it there... As a blogger from Mindanao, this site is very helpful in information gathering. You simply have to exhaust all posible ways there is. Take for example the forums. When you join the forums, you are sure to get more and more information shared by those who created topics for discussions and the very answers posted. From what I have seen, more and more intelligent Filipinos have taken part in the forums.. I created a forum discussion regarding the inclusion of issues that tackle the welfare of people with special needs on the presidential candidates' patform, and I await answers. After I gather opinions about it, I will blog about it.. See, it really is useful, don't you think so... And I guess, because we here in Mindanao are far from the Metropolis, this is but a good way to get a good glimpse of the presidential candidates who are mostly living there....
Hope you too can enjoy the site as much as I have... And hopefully, it will be helpful in helping us make the right choice in 2010....

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