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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My mother always want our house to be homey and sweet smelling. She would often include a home fragrance whenever we do our groceries. But most often, she would settle for those home fragrances that home and beauty products dealers are selling.. One time, my cousin gave her a reed diffuser for her birthday and my mom really went gaga over the fresh scent that it gave off... It was sheer heaven for my mother...

When I moved out of our house to live here in the orange house, she gave me a basket full of home products that included home fragrances.. There were four bottles that lasted me for six months... There was Rain, Berry, Ocean, and Garden Fresh... Oh how I love them too... Whenever we cook something in the kitchen and I do not like the stinking smell, I simply open the windows to let our kitchen breathe.. Afterwards, I spray on a fresh scent. I bought myself a diffuser too but I find it really handy to use those spray variants...

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