"I love you", "I miss you", "I wanna be with you forever", "We'll be together for as long as we live". Ever wonder why the world always seems to need little bit of love? Phrases like these and countless more are being thrown everywhere. People tend to think the world is a big playground and everybody has a playmate that they trust, they care about, they loved...In the minds of the people I see everyday walk by or pass by, they all think love is a Frisbee that when thrown out somebody will return the favor and give it back.
It's a mindset like this that end up in ruins, love like a brand new toy is given to someone that you thought you trusted and instead of taking care of it and giving it back, they step on the most prized possession a person could have in this world, their heart. As the person you thought you loved walks off, you realize just how cold everything got. It's as if God himself saw everything that happened and molded your surroundings to look like how you feel. Rain starts to fall not just around you, but deep inside as well, flooding what once was a beautiful paradise in which you thought you could live in forever into a swamp, a marsh of regret and sorrow. It's only then you realize the raindrops you feel on your cheek isn't coming from the heavens, it's coming from an aching heart. The heart that needs mending and fixing. Ironically the materials that are needed to fix it isn't there...anymore.
Days turn into weeks, weeks into months. The heart that was once longing and aching for the return of the only person that could ever fix it finally realized that if it was ever to actually feel what love really is, and to actually feel the sincerity and happiness that comes with being with that special one. It first has to learn how to walk the path. We all have to learn how to walk before we can run, we all must feel pain in order to fully appreciate its opposite...and we all must learn how to get up when we falter...Lessons learned are not meant to bring down any person in anyway, lessons in life are stepping stones that need to be crossed. Yes, love leads to a happy life, but not by itself. With love comes work.. Remember nothing in life is given, it's earned. Whether it's a successful job, a happy family, or even a smile. The work and time that we put into this delicate word called "love" is like the gas we put in our car to get us to where we want to be. Just like gas we don't like paying for the price, but at the same time we have to realize that it's the only way to get to where we want to be...
"When the world says "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
As for me, I will not fight for someone who is not worthy... I will not wait nor make way for our path to cross again.. Hope is good, but realistic hope is better... When the hurt goes so deep, it's considered as a missed hit.. In ill- circumstances, I do not give up, I just choose a battle that I am sure to win.. Or as the saying goes, there are so many ways to skin a cat... We just have to find the one that's right for us.. Kinda like the right strategy to solve a problem, don't you agree? Eventually, the hurt is mended, and there is no going back to the hell that once overwhelmed me.. My tomorrow will be brighter and shall be more productive than the ones who hurt me for I am raised well by my parents, and I am taught not to step on or hurt or cheat anyone just to be where I will be.. People should stop insinuating and making unfair judgments especially if they know not the truth--- or if they believe just one side of a story... or if they are continuously taking the side of one of the parties in conflict with the other---
It's a mindset like this that end up in ruins, love like a brand new toy is given to someone that you thought you trusted and instead of taking care of it and giving it back, they step on the most prized possession a person could have in this world, their heart. As the person you thought you loved walks off, you realize just how cold everything got. It's as if God himself saw everything that happened and molded your surroundings to look like how you feel. Rain starts to fall not just around you, but deep inside as well, flooding what once was a beautiful paradise in which you thought you could live in forever into a swamp, a marsh of regret and sorrow. It's only then you realize the raindrops you feel on your cheek isn't coming from the heavens, it's coming from an aching heart. The heart that needs mending and fixing. Ironically the materials that are needed to fix it isn't there...anymore.
Days turn into weeks, weeks into months. The heart that was once longing and aching for the return of the only person that could ever fix it finally realized that if it was ever to actually feel what love really is, and to actually feel the sincerity and happiness that comes with being with that special one. It first has to learn how to walk the path. We all have to learn how to walk before we can run, we all must feel pain in order to fully appreciate its opposite...and we all must learn how to get up when we falter...Lessons learned are not meant to bring down any person in anyway, lessons in life are stepping stones that need to be crossed. Yes, love leads to a happy life, but not by itself. With love comes work.. Remember nothing in life is given, it's earned. Whether it's a successful job, a happy family, or even a smile. The work and time that we put into this delicate word called "love" is like the gas we put in our car to get us to where we want to be. Just like gas we don't like paying for the price, but at the same time we have to realize that it's the only way to get to where we want to be...
"When the world says "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
As for me, I will not fight for someone who is not worthy... I will not wait nor make way for our path to cross again.. Hope is good, but realistic hope is better... When the hurt goes so deep, it's considered as a missed hit.. In ill- circumstances, I do not give up, I just choose a battle that I am sure to win.. Or as the saying goes, there are so many ways to skin a cat... We just have to find the one that's right for us.. Kinda like the right strategy to solve a problem, don't you agree? Eventually, the hurt is mended, and there is no going back to the hell that once overwhelmed me.. My tomorrow will be brighter and shall be more productive than the ones who hurt me for I am raised well by my parents, and I am taught not to step on or hurt or cheat anyone just to be where I will be.. People should stop insinuating and making unfair judgments especially if they know not the truth--- or if they believe just one side of a story... or if they are continuously taking the side of one of the parties in conflict with the other---
Most of the time, two people who are in conflict are actually better when they talk it out by themselves.. It is when there are (many) "other" people who want to get involved that the problem becomes more and more complicated... "Other" people who think they are entitled to every bit of opinion when they are not even contributing to the solution or they know not what the real problem is between the opposing parties... But of course, life is like that.. You can only hope for better things to arrive the soonest possible.. Needless to say, still, in matters of the heart or in any other points our life is pointing us, we should simply be strong and determined enough to overcome the "others" that keep telling us to do what they want us to do, for their own benefit and consumption--- I am closing the book with this post... Even if you will not urge me, I will make way for a better life ahead.. Not only for me but for the little wonder.. I hope you stop here too.. My decision is final, and your sermons have nothing to do with it... I am done with all of you.. GOODBYE UNKNOWN TEXTERS, EMAIL GHOST WRITERS and of course, GHOST BLOGGERS IN BLOGOLAND..

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