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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Our PC broke down again. We had no choice but to hire a technician to do the job. The technician at Honeysweet informed me that I need to install anti malware, anti spyware and a new antivirus to all our PC for us to have internet security. Well, I couldn't agree with him more. After all, it has been a repetition of what other technicians used to tell us. Internet security has always been our problem ever since. There were times in the past that our PC would break down for unknown reasons, only to find out that some customers have downloaded software or programs that have also allowed the installation of malware or spyware that makes Internet security unsecured for all our PCs, considering that they are networked.

And I thought I will not be able to experience this once again! Whew--- We no longer have other users for our PCs but how come they are here again? Well, here's one painful truth in the cyberworld. No matter how much one has updated and upgraded his or her technology, new technologies are created to replace the old. It is true not only in programs but with most of the things online. New viruses are created every minute. But one need not worry, as solutions are also created parallel to its creation. Ironic, isn't it? A problem is created but a known cure is also created. Well, I think that is how business works in the cyberworld. We just can not stop somewhere and say, "hey, this is it!"... Life in the cyberworld is full of updates and upgrades-- and we have no choice but embrace the new, otherwise, suffer the consequences... I hate the fact that a new virus has destroyed my PC environment. But I thank God for giving us a very good technician who knows the latest in anti-spyware, anti-virus, anti-malware, etc---

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