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Tuesday, July 07, 2009


I have been wanting to lose weight for weeks now. I have tried exercising and dieting. So far, I am happy of the results. Although they are not so pronounced. Thank God I am losing weight, no matter how slowly it may seem. That is good enough. I will get there. I am not worried.. My friend Mimi and I spoke last night and she recommends that I take some other supplements to boost the process. So I bought myself some fat burning supplements. But this morning, Mimi sent me a text message saying that I should try Acai Berry. I am not so familiar with it so I searched for more information. I have to know more about the Acai Juice Benefits before plunging into taking it. After all, it's money and time that I wish to be sure of.

I found out that Acai Berry is a fruit that can be found in the rain forests of South America and has been a popular fruit with the people of its native land for many generations. Hmm.. Herbal history there. So it must be good... It is pronounced "ah-sigh-ee", this fruit has recently become the subject of a North American health craze with the introduction of various Acai drinks, health products and weight loss supplements. Okay.. So it must be helpful in my weight loss plan...

For the benefits, I found out that the acai fruit has quickly become a popular ingredient in both health drinks and supplements as many believe it to contain antioxidants which helps improve a person's well being. Acai berries are said to have twice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries and 10 times that of grapes. Ultimately, the reported levels of anthocyanins are 10-30 times greater in the acai fruit than what is found in red wine. And red wine is said to be good for the heart... If one will take Acai berry products, he or she will have increased energy, anti-aging, improved sleep and strong heart health, and many others. There are studies that are bringing more clarity to the role of the antioxidants in acai fruit actually destroying cancer cells. Am sure Manang Bebing will love this information---

Assertions of acai benefits in the last few years have been able to convince many consumers of the above benefits, as evidenced in the increasing number of acai products on the market. Currently, we can find a variety of acai berry products, ranging from drinks with a percentage of acai fruit juice, to freeze dried acai pulp and powder, to supposed weight loss supplements, to alcoholic drinks with an added acai flavor. Although, there has been no research that indicates drinking acai berry juice or taking acai supplements will result in weight loss. Hmm.. What do you think guys?

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