Typhoon Ondoy has hit the country so hard damaging so much properties and lives that even winning billions of pesos in Casino Games can not easily restore what has been taken away from the victims. Whew.. Times like this, imaginary wealth in Yoville, Farmtown and Farmville can never really ease up what misery typhoon Ondoy has brought.. After all, it is real life tragedy.. It will take years and time and lots of helping hands to rebuild lives.. It entails actual sincere efforts from those who are not in anguish, or whose loved ones and properties are intact.
It's about time we set aside our not so important priorities, like the facebook apps we endlessly enjoy such as the harvests and the plow jobs at Farmtown. Or the poker games we so dearly focus on when online. Not even a glance at Europa Casino even if it means winning some shots when some Play slots for real cash. Quite frankly, this is the time to get our hearts and minds to focus on what is important...
Truly, Ondoy has brought so much devastation and suffering. But if there is one good thing about this test of life, that is the fact that we Filipinos have awakened our sense of the bayanihan spirit once again.. Before, it is solely expressed by helping our neighbors carry the bahay kubo when moving house.. Now I guess, it's carrying each and everyone in our shoulders, in our prayers, in our hopes and aspirations as they helplessly rebuild their lives from the muddied pits of agony and grief..
I am very far from the victims, but I am one with them and I pray that however difficult, a light will be shown for them to see clearly... God works in mysterious ways.. we just have to believe..
By the way, if you are from Cagayan de Oro City, we have OPLAN ONDOY
By the way, if you are from Cagayan de Oro City, we have OPLAN ONDOY
For CDO and XU-based, you may channel your donations to XU KKP Office, Room 102, Agie Bldg, 858-3116 or 72-3116 local 3210 or 3215. You may also deposit your cash to XU BPI Svngs Accnt, Dvsoria Brnch-CDO: 9331-0133-63, pls indicate in your check/deposit slip: Xavier University c/o OPLAN ONDOY...then, let us know for verification...
Ermin Pimentel

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