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Showing posts with label Disclosure Policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disclosure Policy. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2008



Here are two badges and links that people reading my blog should look into. Click on them as this post is self explanatory. hehehe...

Anyway, one of the companies I work for online requires that I put this up here in my blog. I checked and I found that I lost the original which I had placed in my blog template previously. What with all the changes that my blog had to go through..hehehe... change is good, but sometimes we forget to add what we previous placed that are important. So today, before one of my opps could be approved, I had to have them placed. Well, it was kind of them to remind me...Thank you so much. Now I am sure my opp will e approved, ahahahaha... Thanks again, and merry Christmas...