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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A few days before 2023...

This weekend Christmas will be celebrated and the weekend that follows will already be 2023. Have you any plans for the coming year? While this year is the year that I have somehow seen myself rise above my 2020 to 2021 drawbacks, still it is not enough to say that everything is okay. I am a positive person, but sometimes doubts loom over the horizon. And why not? The world is still suffering and life goes on. I am lucky I have means to get by. My salary may be more than enough compared to the last (from my previous employers), but this time I am more anxious and try harder because I am afraid to lose it. No one wants to be jobless and penniless with everything expensive, even our basic needs.

After COVID 19 sank our finances to the abyss, the wars and oil crises have made everything worse for everyone. There is not a country in the world who do not have citizens suffering. Blaming anyone or anything is pointless. We all have to pick ourselves up, each one of us, one by one. We can not pick up others when we are still trying to crawl back or even if we are able to stand up but  aren't strong enough to stand without any help. In short, we just have to do what's best for us. 

Here are some tips I have learned over the years. Coping with financial woes isn't easy but if you know how to do it better, you'll be fine somehow.

1. Have financial resolutions. All of us want to improve our finances. And what better way than to start with a financial resolution. What are the things that you want to get rid off and what are the things yo want to continue in terms of finances.

2. Set up Savings Goals and Implement it. No matter how much you want to save, if your Savings Goals is not set up, it will remain as just a plan that may or may not be implemented.

3. Use technology to help you with your plans to save money, and learn how to save and invest. I like to use a savings calculator if I need to calculate long term savings and stuff. Currently, I am using one that allows me to create a growth table of savings over time. How cool is that? The site I go to also has calculators for CDs, college savings, even retirement plans aside from savings goals that calculates annual interests.

4. Make use of your time online and offline wisely. If it's not making you have a better financial life, surely it will waste your money. 

5. Be generous, and kind. I always believe that givers will always receive more blessings at the right time. 

6. Never forget to be grateful and always pray. Prayers are not only in times of need but most of all, in times of abundance. 

These are just some of the lessons that 2020 taught me. I am passing them on as tips, should you want them. Worked well for me. Well, what do you think? Please drop a comment as I want to know what your thoughts are about these things I shared.

Till then, enjoy your holidays..

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