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Saturday, January 05, 2013

Children and Divorce..

Finally, the much awaited dvd has arrived today. And immediately after, I watched it as I have been dying to do so. I applied to get a free dvd of Children and Divorce because I know Lili and I can get something out of it. But I just have to watch it first before she will do so. I need to know that it can be helpful in answering her questions, though she is not really asking me directly. Besides that, I needed to make sure that she will get a positive view of why 2 people separate, and not blame herself for it. Anyway, what I love about the documentary is that the children of divorced parents were able to share their feelings, their hopes and dreams and even their insights and advises to other children who may be going through a hard time while their parents are separating or in the middle of divorce.

As a parent, I recommend to other parents, whether one is divorced or separated or still together with the partner, to let their children watch this documentary or watch this together with their children. In this way, everyone will be able to understand children of separated or divorced parents in their quest for survival from separation. There is so much to learn from the revelations of the children of divorced parents on the video. Your heart will truly ache for the truthful innocent thoughts they have shared...

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