I will be buying a new bathroom scales in line with my diet program. I have not had one in a million years because I have always been carefree about the weight. People are conscious about how they look, and if they gain weight. I am conscious of living longer than expected. That is my ultimate goal in this diet program. I wanna be able to see Lili graduate in Med School or Law School and see her children graduate from said courses too, thereafter. It is not about feeling bad or looking ugly, or losing self esteem. Some people are so pathetic when they talk about losing weight for said reasons. Sorry, but I think losing weight should be a goal for a much deeper and more meaningful goal. Not that I am against any one's reasons for doing so. It is just that I often hear people comment negatively when one is struggling to lose the unwanted pounds. As if they are perfect and lead perfect lives..
Well, so much for that. I wanna buy a pink weighing scales... PINK.. Ohlalala..
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