Here in Singapore, I have not met anyone who have problems in the face, like acne or simple pimples. I guess the best treatment for acne will never sell here. See, the people here, according to Tito Noel are health and physically conscious. They watch what they eat and what they do. Plus, their environment is clean thus no dust or pollutants can ever harm their skin.
And people here are almost always on their toes, thus, they are always exercising, lol.. Seriously. Whether you go to the bus stop or the MRT, it's always a running situation to be able to catch up with the ride. But of course, if you have your own car, you still do the same, to be able to follow the rules of the road and safety. Well, I hope we can have a similar scene in the Philippines. Maybe in the years to come??? Well, let's see..

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